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forum > Technical questions > Display number of replies made to a forum post.

Display number of replies made to a forum post.

1. crisderaud13 January 2010, 17:49 GMT +00:00

2. crisderaud13 January 2010, 18:01 GMT +00:00

I think that it is important to see how many replies have been made to a forum post without having to click the post open and see how many people have responded.

If I were to get, say, three replies to this post and then I made an additional response after them, the post would have me name as the author and the last response making it look like nobody replied. You would have to open the post to see there were replies.

Each reply has a number and if that number would then log on the title bar of the post we could tell how much content was within the post.

I know some people make a game out of seeing how high that number can go, but those posts with the intention of doing that can be transferred to the Fun section designed for games.

3. jazza18 January 2010, 22:44 GMT +01:00

Tomorow I will add paging to the forum and the display of number of responses. The code is finished now (23.00 hrs). Tomorow i will test it again an put it live.

I would like to have RSS too. But that has to wait.

4. crisderaud19 January 2010, 4:15 GMT +01:00

That's a lot of time Jay! You guys are really doing a good job. This site is looking great!

5. xymonau20 January 2010, 0:31 GMT +01:00

Well done on the numbering, guys. Works well, and makes things really convenient.

6. jazza20 January 2010, 9:03 GMT +01:00

thanks :)
@5 Dez where is your avatar?

7. xymonau20 January 2010, 13:54 GMT +01:00

I've been too distracted to fix it, Jay! I was going to make a new one, but I am uninspired. :)

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