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1. jonfletch12 March 2011, 15:17 GMT +01:00


50. Groningen12 May 2011, 13:13 GMT +02:00

I was up early this morning, all washed and ready for my appointment at 10.00 am
no one showed up, and I still don't know why
I have spoken a message in her voicemail
still no reaction

51. Groningen12 May 2011, 20:31 GMT +02:00

well she emailed me
it was a mix-up, she thought the appointment was for next week, I thought it was this week
wish people would be more clearly in what they write
"I'll see you Thursday"
and that is next Thursday

grrr #%^*±}

52. jazza29 May 2011, 23:13 GMT +02:00

a cat app for all cat lovers

53. Ayla8730 May 2011, 7:36 GMT +02:00

Oh, don't show this link to our cat ;)

54. gesinek30 May 2011, 8:45 GMT +02:00

What a great idea for all cats which only live inside.

Our are outside most of the time. But I think they would be VERY interested in that games.
Great link!

55. xymonau30 May 2011, 11:26 GMT +02:00

I have reason to be incredibly annoyed with "macho" Australian men who let their dogs stand on the back of their utes (utility trucks), and forget to give them water in the hot sun. So many of these poor dogs fall off. I have encountered at least six personally - another one today. It ran into the service to hide from thunder, and it had chewed through a woven halter. It looked cared for, but it shouldn't have been put in a vulnerable situation by its owner. Poor thing. I had to call the council to take it to the dog pound. It leapt into our work ute, and onto the back of my car - left claw scratches right down the back. I ended up taking it into my office, where it laid at my feet while the thunderstorm passed. It was quite big, and had that real dog smell. The poor thing was really distressed and wanting its owner. Don;t tell me animals don't have emotions.

56. happyture30 May 2011, 11:43 GMT +02:00

More emotions than some people Dezzie,,Sadly!

57. xymonau31 May 2011, 10:06 GMT +02:00

I was at training today or I would have phoned to see if the dog was collected by its owner. Same again tomorrow, but I'll try on Thursday. I just want to be sure she went home.

58. happyture2 June 2011, 9:41 GMT +02:00

I,ll tell you whats annoying,,,,When someone uses your laptop and leaves greasy finger prints all over your screen .....Grrrrrrrr,,,

And I,ll tell you something else for nothing too, Nintendo Mario cart on-line, its full of hackers, cheats, and cheat card users, my grandson use to likes to play it on line, but its so bad now he cant play it any more, Nintendo say,,,,We're looking into it,, plonkers!!

59. happyture4 June 2011, 10:52 GMT +02:00

I have had 2 SD cards fall to pieces, is this a common fault???

60. xymonau4 June 2011, 12:13 GMT +02:00

I've never had that happen, but then I never take them out of the cameras much.

61. happyture6 June 2011, 8:48 GMT +02:00

Two separate manufacturers same problem?


62. happyture6 June 2011, 8:58 GMT +02:00

GO ON say it,,,one owner!!

63. xymonau6 June 2011, 9:07 GMT +02:00

I never even thought it. But now you bring it up...:P

64. happyture6 June 2011, 9:51 GMT +02:00

Knew it, just knew it!!!

65. happyture17 June 2011, 9:14 GMT +02:00

Facebook is annoying init !

66. xymonau18 June 2011, 9:42 GMT +02:00

Why? (I personally hate it.)

67. happyture18 June 2011, 9:45 GMT +02:00

Always some one bad mouthing some one else for something really stupid, or malicious gossip..

68. xymonau18 June 2011, 9:48 GMT +02:00

Just like us, Mikey!

69. happyture18 June 2011, 9:51 GMT +02:00

Errr,,,Yes really!! but worsererer!

70. xymonau18 June 2011, 10:44 GMT +02:00

You just made that word up, dincha?

71. happyture18 June 2011, 17:13 GMT +02:00

NO I DIDN'T, well how do you spell worsererer then and there must be a word that means worsererer than worse!!

72. xymonau18 June 2011, 17:29 GMT +02:00

More worstest. That's wot polite hunhejumacated Strayans say.

73. happyture18 June 2011, 22:18 GMT +02:00

Huh Know-all , you just has to show off dont ya hey!

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